Water Bottles
Hydration is key when players want to be able to perform at their very best. A 2% drop in water levels in the body can lead to a 20% drop in athletic performance — something you simply cannot afford. Creating a winning mentality is only possible when you’re all fuelled and hydrated the right way.
Our ergonomic water bottles are hygienically designed and easy to use when a quick trip to the touchline is needed. They have comfort-fit grips that ensure players can easily retrieve their bottle and quench their thirst. They are also very easy to wash and very resistant to impacts so that you get many years of use out of them.
Keeping hydrated will allow your team to find an extra burst of energy in the last 15 minutes of a crucial cup game. They will still have gas in their tank when the opposition are starting to wilt and beginning to drop deeper. When this happens, it’s over to you to change the tactics and flood the box with crosses.
Buying a full set of bottles for the squad will make sure that everyone arrives at the game in peak condition. They will be able to stay hydrated and boost their performance without ever having to slow down. All that’s left is to think about whether they should be drinking pure mineral water or an electrolyte drink. Give it some thought when you want to win!
Ergonomic Design: A comfort-grip profile makes sure bottles never slip when a player only has seconds before the game restarts.
Durable Plastic: Bottles get dropped when players are in a hurry, so we only provide bottles that are ready for the physical side of the game.
Boosts Performance: Regular hydration is the key thing that the pros focus on throughout a game they cannot afford to lose.